An accident is defined as any unintentional incident which results in injury to a person or property, the term covers accidents which involve motor vehicles or those which result in personal injury. The latter criteria can be further broken down into physical or psychological injury, including those caused by and related to an occupation and the working environment of that occupation or by medical complications. The remit of what constitutes personal injury is such that if you wish to pursue a personal injury claim, it is highly likely that you will need the services of a good lawyer.
The following points require consideration:
1. Is the complaint to an individual or organisation?
2. Are you claiming compensation for the accident?
3. Have you been subject to financial hardship or restriction as a result of the accident?
4. Do you need specific counselling as a result of the accident?
An accident lawyer in Bradford and elsewhere will tell you to always contact the police, especially if the injury is serious or results from a traffic incident. As a corollary it is important that you realise that a vehicle insurance policy is likely to be declared in valid if the accident is not reported immediately. The injury must also be assessed as soon as possible by your GP or equivalent medical professional; they will be called upon to give evidence if the case goes to court. Finally, collate as much evidence as you can from the scene of the injury, for example photos of the scene and of what caused the injury. You should write everything down while the details are fresh and keep contact details for any witnesses.
If the accident was at work full details must be recorded by yourself and the employer. If you are self-employed you are legally obliged to inform the HSE. You may wish to complain to your employer, a lawyer will advise that if you have a claim that you should consider pursuing legal action promptly because there is a time limit on when you can make an accident claim. The legal route will always involve compensation claims and detailed analysis of the facts in hand. In Bradford and across the UK a good lawyer will facilitate the whole process on your behalf.
Contact Chambers Solicitors for further information on your legal rights concerning accident and personal injury claims. Whatever the circumstances 24hour legal advice is available. Visit them online.