A Madison workplace injury lawyer can assist when an employer or the workers’ compensation insurer disputes a claim. The employer or insurer might think the employee is exaggerating the severity of pain or impaired function. There may be skepticism that the injury actually happened at work.
Soft Tissue Injuries
Neck and back pain may occur without an X-ray showing evidence of an injury, for example. Harm to soft tissues could be confirmed through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A Madison workplace injury lawyer can arrange this appointment so the client has better verification of the physical disorder.
No Witnesses
Perhaps nobody saw the incident happen, so there are no witnesses. The employee might have delayed reporting what happened, assuming that any effects would not be serious. Often, though, soft tissue injures worsen over the next day or two. The situation would be exacerbated as the individual continued trying to put in a full day’s work, further aggravating the problem.
Understanding Skepticism
Although the situation can be very frustrating for the person unable to work, the employer or benefits provider may truly be skeptical. They generally are not trying to avoid paying workers’ compensation for unfair reasons.
A certain level of fraud happens in the system, and that costs money for insurers and their corporate policyholders. Business owners pay premiums for this coverage, as they do for any kind of insurance. Rates can increase after employees make claims. Policyholders naturally want to avoid paying more than they already do for coverage.
Anyone dealing with a workers’ comp claim denial may find contact details for a lawyer at Gillick, Wicht, Gillick & Graf or visit https://www.gillickwicht.com/.