A Divorce Lawyer Weatherford TX Helps With the Transition From One Status to the Next

by | Apr 16, 2013 | Lawyers

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One day, everything is fine in Weatherford when out of the blue, your partner says the dreaded words “I want a divorce.” You knew things weren’t going all that great, but you figured that all marriages go through a rocky period, and that it would smooth out eventually. What you didn’t realize is that it was much worse than you thought, and your spouse wants out. But what if you’re not ready to go for the actual divorce just yet? It’s time to talk to a divorce lawyer Weatherford TX for advice of what to do.

Remember that the two of you are going to have to have your own lawyers. There is no sharing of a lawyer in divorce since both parties are technically on adversarial terms. You need to protect yourself against anything your soon-to-be ex is going to throw at you in a contentious divorce. Even when a divorce is somewhat amicable, you still need legal assistance.

When you’re not ready for a divorce, your divorce lawyer in Weatherford TX is going to suggest trying a legal separation. This allows both parties to maintain their own households without having to go through support issues right away. Sometimes it so happens that the one spouse acted rashly and isn’t truly ready to break things off. The separation acts as a cooling down period for both to allow emotions to subside, counseling to be sought and civil conversation be had. However, when the other party is done with the marriage, it’s a whole different story.

Legally, a marriage consists of a joint entity. That is, both share in the assets such as a house or anything that has been bought together. Even pots and pans are considered marital assets and can be addressed in a divorce proceeding. Untangling a marriage requires delicate negotiation and coming to equitable terms for both parties. It’s much more difficult in a heated divorce, making a lawyer an absolute necessity.

If a divorce is an inevitability, contact a divorce lawyer at your first opportunity. Protect yourself from the other spouse, and prevent her from taking assets that need to be divided equally. Divorce is not always simple, and a lawyer can help with untangling all of the issues that it comes with.

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