A Maltese is a breed of dog, it is often affectionately known as a Maltie. The Maltese is a very small lap dog, white in color, the breed is thousands of years old and it makes the perfect companion. The Maltese puppies for sale in Westchester NY are the generational result of having cross bred the Bichon Frise and Poodle, these animals are known for their intelligence and as a result, it is very easy to train.
The Maltese has a low shed hypoallergenic coat which makes them an ideal house dog. The Maltie shows a rather uncanny ability to meet and greet new people and as a result a number of them have been trained as therapy dogs where they are welcomed in hospitals and convalescent homes.
The Maltese puppies for sale in Westchester NY are very small, even at full growth they will rarely exceed ten pounds and many are considerably smaller.
The Maltese coat is pure white; the long silky fur extends past the feet. Coupled with a jet black button nose the Maltese is hard to pass up for its charm. The long coat does mean daily grooming and some owners who do not care to do this chore will have the groomer do a short puppy cut which makes maintenance much easier. Once A Maltese has been given a puppy cut it is easy to see their ancestor, the Bichon Frise.
Most white dogs; and the Maltese is no exception tear stain quite easily. These are brown spots or streaks that are right below the animals eyes. Wiping the eyes daily helps with this problem but not completely. There are products available from pet stores that remove the stain completely. An owner of a Maltese must never use household bleach on the spots as it easy to damage the eyes.
The breed is well known for its companionship, many famous people have owned them including Marie Antoinette and Queen Victoria. The Maltese absolutely thrives on companionship which unfortunately does not make them the best choice of pet for those that spend a great deal of their time away, leaving the dog to itself.
The Maltese pupppies is a very charming breed but they should be purchased from a known reputable breeder. As the breed is extremely popular, it is often over-bred.
There are Maltese puppies for sale in Westchester NY, just log onto NY Breeder for details on the purebred and designer dogs that are available.