The Telltale Signs That You Need a New HVAC Soon in Springfield, MO

by | Mar 6, 2024 | Heating & Cooling

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If you think that your HVAC system is running a bit funny, but are not quite sure if it needs replacement, you’re not alone. However, there are some definite telltale signs that you will soon need a new . HVAC in Springfield, MO

Runs Longer Than Normal

When your system starts to get older, you might notice that it starts up more often than it used to. It will also run longer to get to the temperature setting that it is programmed at. While there might simply be a problem with the blower motor or the coil, more often than not these are indications that an HVAC replacement is in your future.

Making Loud Noises

While it is fairly normal for an HVAC to sound louder overall as it ages, there are specific sounds that indicate it will need replacement soon. These include knocking while the system is in operation, groaning noises upon startup, and a loud humming noise coming from the motor. If your HVAC is making any of these noises, it is time to start calling around for a technician to install a new system.

Frequent Repairs

If you notice that the time between repairs is getting more and more frequent, then it is a surefire sign that you need to replace your HVAC in Springfield, MO sooner rather than later. By doing so, you will end up saving yourself a significant amount of money in the long run.

If you need to schedule an appointment with an HVAC tech, please contact Jon Wayne Heating & Air.

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