You can find several different kinds of air conditioning filters for whatever air conditioning unit you have in the Dallas area. Your needs for air conditioning in Kitsap County are made to protect the air in your home without risking breathing difficulties. You should look at some of the kinds of AC filters that you could be using in your air conditioning system.
A pleated filter is a great choice to use in your air conditioning unit. This is made with a fiberglass material that is supported by a cardboard frame. The filter has a series of folds that are used to add to the concentrate of fiberglass in a spot. It is used to protect your home by removing a large number of harmful art particles that might get into your AC unit.
This is a material that can work well but you need to get it replaced every once in a while. Your air conditioning service provider should help you out every three months with getting something fixed. This includes making sure that the filters you do have are treated carefully and that they are removed properly without risking what’s in a spot.
The High Efficiency Particulate Arresting filter is another option that you could be getting for air conditioning in Kitsap County. A HEPA filter is made with a thicker design and can take care of even the smallest particles in a spot. It’s true that these materials are going to be more expensive to get but these are particularly critical for people who have certain allergies that have to be controlled as well as possible. You may need to get this replaced on a three month basis although it is often best to replace it every two months.
An electrostatic filter could also be added into your air conditioning unit. This is a huge option around Kitsap County because a filter like this can handle electric charges. It is built with special materials that are capable of producing these charges, thus making it a little easier for items to be collected as needed. This is more effective than a traditional pleated filter but it does have to be removed every three months for the best results.
Why Not a Normal Filter?
It is true that a normal filter could help you out. A normal filter is like a pleated filter but is completely flat. It is cheaper to get and it uses the same kind of fiberglass material for keeping items out. However, the problems that come with a normal filter like this are far too important for you to ignore:
* The concentration of fiberglass is not as strong in a normal filter
* Your fiberglass might be easy to tear up if some outside items get in the way
* A normal filter works well for larger particles but not with anything smaller
You should watch for what you could be getting out of your filters for air conditioning in Kitsap County. A filter has to be treated the right way to keep your air healthy and clean. You should contact your air conditioning expert to see what you could be using and whether or not you are getting enough out of the filters that you have in your home. Visit website domain for more details.