Getting rid of bed bugs and fleas can be a challenge, but the first thing you need to know is which insect you are dealing with. According to the experts bed bugs tend to stay around the bed and the surrounding areas, while fleas tend to infest every part of the home. If you aren’t sure if you have a bed bug of a flea infestation, then read the tips below to help you figure it out.
The first thing you will need to do is inspect your body for bug bites. Bed bugs tend to bite more around the torso, whereas fleas will bite more around the feet, ankles, and legs. Inspect each of the bites closely. A bed bug bite will have a red mark in the center.
Next, you will need to inspect your mattresses. Pull the bedding off and look for dark spots, these are blood, and brown or red oval shaped spots on the mattress, these are bed bugs.
Inspect your animals to see if they have little black specks on them, these would be fleas. When you comb your pets fur with a flea comb, if you get black specks in the comb then most probably your house is infested with fleas, not bed bugs. However if you find that you have bed bugs in Massachusetts, after doing these few test, it is time to Click Here, and call in the professionals.
Another way to tell if you have fleas instead of bed bugs is to leave a dish of soapy water on your carpet, under lamplight for the night. If you have bugs in the water in the morning, then you have a flea infestation, not a bed bug infestation, and need to call an exterminator in.
With bed bugs, it is best to call in a professional as well, because a heavy infestation can make you sick; besides who wants to have bugs biting them when they are sleeping, not you for sure. Bed bugs can be gotten rid of with work and determination, you just have to be willing to go the extra mile to do it.