Never Forget: How to Sensitively Teach Historical Tragedies and Disasters

by | Oct 31, 2022 | Career and Jobs

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Teaching is never easy, but it can be even more difficult when it’s time to broach serious, sensitive subjects like the Holocaust. Here are just a few tips for imparting lessons while also remaining keen to your students’ needs, emotions, and maturity levels.

1. Use the Right Materials

It goes without saying that your teaching materials should be age appropriate. However, there are other things to consider about your sources, too. Did they come from real survivors? Have they been recommended by those familiar with that particular tragedy? Are they subject to any controversies that would alarm parents and guardians?

2. Have a Goal

Think about what you’re hoping to accomplish with your lessons. It might be a general awareness of history; it might be covering a topic that could show up on standardized tests. You might even have loftier goals like teaching your students the importance of genocide prevention. Regardless of your endgame, make sure that your curriculum is tailored to meet those demands.

3. Get Outside Help

If you’re having trouble creating a good lesson plan, consider looking outside of the classroom for help. A historical museum, for example, might be a good field trip idea. A foundation or charity dedicated to the event will probably spark some ideas. Some organizations might even have educational materials that you can directly use.

These are just a few tips for teaching sensitive subjects like genocide prevention. For more information, reach out to the ZACHOR Holocaust Remembrance Foundation.

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