An Affordable Bucket Lift Rental in Newnan, GA

by | Sep 16, 2022 | Equipment

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Many construction jobs require workers to work on aerial surfaces. When you need to reach an aerial surface, you may consider a bucket truck or a bucket lift rental in Newnan, GA. Both pieces of equipment have their pros and cons. For example, bucket trucks can be driven to the job site while a bucket lift must be towed. Bucket lifts are lightweight and can fit through doorways while bucket trucks cannot.

Bucket Trucks

Bucket trucks are used by a wide array of industries, including electric utilities, vegetation management, and telecommunications. You may have seen a business owner using a bucket truck to fix overhead lights and signs or an electric company working on the roadside poles. Very few manufacturers make bucket trucks. When there is a high demand for a product but the supply is low, it causes the cost to increase greatly. Often, the cost to buy a bucket truck is more than it is to rent one. Depending on your budget, it may be beneficial to consider a bucket lift rental in Newnan GA.

Bucket Lifts

A bucket lift is also known as a boom lift or cherry picker. The bucket serves as an aerial platform for workers in many commercial construction jobs. A bucket lift rental in Newnan, GA, may be cheaper than a bucket truck rental because bucket lifts are more accessible. Unlike a bucket truck, a bucket lift must be hauled to a job construction site. For most, it would be a drawback to have to tow the bucket lift to a job site. However, when you rent one, you do not have to worry about the towing. The rental company will tow the bucket lift to the job site for you and return to collect it when you finish using it.

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