Have you been feeling as if life has been given you nothing but lemons and are wondering how you can live a higher quality of life? Do you routinely experience stress and anxiety when it comes to paying for monthly financial obligations, forcing you to choose between sacrificing certain conveniences like mobile phone services? Are you now searching for a solution to help you gain access to a free mobile phone without having to pay for monthly services? If yes, then here are two of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to qualifying for this lifeline program provided by the government.
What are the Qualification Requirements?
One of the top frequently asked questions about this government program is the types of requirements you must meet to qualify. You may qualify and be eligible if you already participate in federal programs such as SSI, FDPIR, BIA, and others.
Will Any Monthly Fees Be Charged for the Phone?
Another frequently asked question about this government lifeline program is if there are any fees assessed in connection with obtaining and qualifying for a smartphone. There will be no fees assessed when you qualify for the program.
Who to Visit to Apply and Qualify for this Program
Perhaps you are excited to have just learned about this program and are wondering who you should visit or contact for free government smartphones in Wisconsin. Contact or visit Infiniti Mobile. Their website will provide you with all the information necessary to apply for this lifeline government program. You can also directly apply for the program through their website. So, when searching for ways to apply for free government smartphones in Wisconsin, they are the ones to contact. Call or visit them online at today.