How To Find The Best Churches In Jacksonville – 3 Things You Should Do

by | Dec 30, 2021 | Church

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Finding a new church home is not as easy as you might think. There are hundreds of amazing churches in Jacksonville, and finding one that’s the right fit for you might be difficult.

With that being said, here are 3 things you should do on your search for churches in Jacksonville.

#1 – Visit The Church Website

The church website can give you an idea of what the church is about. You can learn about the pastor, the different ministries, what they believe, and so much more. The website is your introduction to the church. If you like what you see on the website, move to the next step.

#2 – Make a List

You should make a list of the churches in Jacksonville that capture your attention. Keep the list small so you don’t overwhelm yourself. The list should include only the churches you want to visit. On that same list, make a checklist of things you want to encounter on your visit.

#3 – Visit The Churches

After you’ve made your list, the next step is to head out and visit each of the churches on the list. You should visit each church three times before making your decision. Ask yourself three questions before you decide what church you want to join. Do you feel free to worship? Will your life be changed for the better? Do you feel a good sense of community?

If you answer yes to these questions, you may have found your new church home.

If you are looking for a church that will help you grow in faith, contact Southpoint Community Church at

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