Get Your Streamlined Figure Back by Opting for Cosmetic Liposuction

by | Dec 18, 2020 | Plastic Surgeon

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Many people gain some weight as they become older. Mothers often find it frustrating when those last few bulges and rolls of fat refuse to melt off their waists and hips despite exercise and dieting efforts. Now, it is possible to get your streamlined figure back by opting to undergo cosmetic liposuction in Schaumburg.

Why Women Seem to Have More Problems Getting Rid of Middle Fat

Women have hormones that fluctuate when they have their monthly cycle each month when they are pregnant and later after childbirth and electing to breastfeed their babies. This allows the woman’s body to be ready to deal with these important times. Some researchers believe that women begin to gain abdominal, hip, buttocks and upper thigh fat stores as a means to preserve human reproduction in the future. Both men and women tend to gain weight in the upper body core as these individuals approach middle age.

Liposuction Works to Contour the Body Into the Desired Curves

During a liposuction procedure, the plastic surgeon will insert narrow rods with suction capability into the targeted fat bulges. The probes help to loosen bigger pockets of fat in an effort to free some from the general store. The fluid is carefully used to flush out free fat cells, and the suction function is used to suction up both the fluid and the fat cells. The fluid must be carefully monitored throughout the procedure.

Liposuction by a Schaumburg Surgeon Busts Fat

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