Three Problems Requiring Air Conditioner Service in Grand Rapids MI

by | Jun 1, 2018 | Air Conditioning

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A handful of air conditioner problems can be easily solved by a handy homeowner by performing simple tasks, such as keeping a clean filter and lubricating the fan. However some air conditioner problems require attention from a professional. Three problems requiring Air Conditioner Service in Grand Rapids MI are an air conditioner that won’t turn on, an air conditioner that runs but doesn’t blow air, and an air conditioner that runs but blows warm air.

A/C Won’t Turn On

One problem that will probably require professional service is an air conditioner that won’t turn on. This problem can be as simple as a dirty filter or an improperly set thermostat. The homeowner should make sure that the filter is clean, as a dirty filter can cause newer air conditioner systems to shut down. The thermostat settings should also be checked to make sure it didn’t accidentally get switched off or to the heat setting. However, if both of these things check out, the problem could be more serious, and a professional should be called.

A/C Runs Without Blowing Air

Another problem that may require professional service is an air conditioner that runs but does not blow any air. Sometimes, this is caused by a fan, fan motor, or bearings that need oiling. The air conditioner manual can give instructions on how to do this, and oiling may solve the problem. It can also be caused by a broken belt. The homeowner can check for a broken belt by removing the door and looking. A professional repair is needed to fix a broken belt.

A/C Runs Blowing Warm Air

A third problem that usually requires professional service is an air conditioner that runs but blows warm air. A blocked condensate drain or a dirty outdoor compressor can cause this problem. The homeowner can attempt to clean the drain using a shop-vac or clean the outdoor compressor. If these attempts are unsuccessful, the problem is likely due to a refrigerant leak and requires a professional to repair.

Kroll Furnace Co Inc. provides air conditioner service in Grand Rapids MI. Repair services are provided for air conditioners that either won’t turn on at all, run but do not blow any air, or run but blow only warm air. In addition, maintenance programs are available to keep air conditioners in tip-top shape, and new air conditioners can be installed if necessary. Browse our website for more information.

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