Ordering a large number of ice cubes or an ice block in Long Island, NY for a party or other special occasion may lead a person to think about this frozen substance in different ways. People generally take it for granted that ice is readily available simply by putting some water in a container and putting the container in the freezer. They know they can buy bags of ice cubes at stores all over town. This very common item has numerous interesting aspects that most people never consider.
Warm Water Freezes Faster
Some individuals have heard that warm or even hot water freezes faster than cold water. This turns out to be true, as long as the water is in an open container. The theory was not confirmed until the 1960s. It’s still not entirely clear why this would be the case. The difference in the rate of freezing speed also isn’t all that remarkable.
It may be that the warmer water evaporates much faster than cold water, meaning there is less of it to freeze. The rapidly forming uneven temperature distribution as the water freezes also may account for the results. A relatively unimpressive increase in the speed of freezing probably isn’t an issue when it comes to an ice block in Long Island, NY made by a commercial distributor.
The View From Europe
Another interesting point about ice is cultural. U.S. residents who travel to Europe for the first time often are surprised that water and soft drinks generally are served there without ice. Serving staff members are happy to bring some cubes or crushed ice to the table in a glass if asked. Americans are generally more accustomed to their soda being icy cold and are willing to put up with it being watered down.
Old-Fashioned Refrigeration
In New York State today, a large ice block ordered by a company such as Long Island Ice & Fuel typically is used for making a sculpture. Many decades ago, however, people relied on routine ice block delivery instead of on refrigeration appliances. Smaller ice blocks still are helpful if the power ever goes out for many hours, since the frozen material keeps food cold in the refrigerator.