Flooring Options for Playgrounds

by | Jul 27, 2017 | Business

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As you are making plans for your new playground, and you are considering what all needs to be included to make it the best play area possible for everyone who comes to enjoy it. One important feature to consider is what you will do about outdoor playground flooring. There are many options to choose from and the right one will depend on your particular goals for your play area.

Dirt- the cheapest option is just use the ground as it is for the play surface but this can cause problems when tree roots are present and if kids or animals end up digging holes around the play area.

Pavement-some play areas are built on concrete slabs or pavement- this is particularly common in big cities where is little to no grass or dirt to be found.

Mulch– better than bare ground but still affordable, some smaller play areas use mulch to cover the ground, but it can cause problems during rains as it can wash away and it will eventually mix into the ground.

Rubber- rubber can be used as an outdoor play area foundation by using either ground up rubber mulch chips or rubber mats that cover the play area and proved extra cushion for trips and falls.

Sand– using sand is popular because it is fairly affordable and also doubles as a play item in and of itself because kids love digging and playing the in the sand.

Mats- other types of mats and coverings are made that can be used to provide a flat foundation area for kids to play on so there is less chance of tripping and falling on the uneven ground.

Combination– you can also use a combination of any of these options to create a custom play area foundation that is perfect for your playground.

To learn more about children’s outdoor play equipment and foundations, contact Arihant Playtime today!

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