How to Prepare for a Phoenix Infusion Treatment

by | Jul 21, 2017 | Health

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If you’re receiving a Phoenix infusion treatment for your medical condition, preparing for the procedure will ensure the best results along with maximum comfort for you. Here’s how to get ready for your treatment:

Choose the Right Facility

High on your list of priorities should be choosing the right facility. Patient safety levels and care quality must always be considered before you commit to a facility. At Vasco Infusion, we work hard to provide our patients with a range of infusion services. A team of trained and experienced staff on board will ensure you receive the level and quality of care you need.

Consider Location

If you foresee the need for regular Phoenix infusion treatment in the future, it would be best to look for facilities nearby or close to you. Look online and use search terms like “near me or around me.”

Ask About Insurance

One way to save on costs is to choose a facility that works with your insurance provider. Worried that might not be the case? That’s not a problem with us. Most medical insurances are accepted so that means less problems on your part. Call us at 602-346-0204. We offer 24-hour support, so if you have any questions you only have to reach out to us to get all of the details you need.

Check with the Staff

Once you choose a facility, it’d be wise to request information from the staff and check for any pre-infusion instructions.


Keep yourself well-hydrated before the treatment. If you suffer from any medical condition that necessitates limited water intake, ask your doctor or the staff for advice before you proceed.

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