Secure the Job Site with Construction Safety Harnesses

by | Dec 14, 2015 | Business

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The construction industry is at the very heart of the nation’s economy and infrastructure. Schools, hospitals, shopping centers, skyscrapers, and bridges: construction workers are responsible for these structures that are so often taken for granted. Of course, it takes more than a hardhat and lunch pail to be a productive worker on the construction site. It takes a significant amount of skill, toughness and accountability to excel in this line of work. One must also follow strict guidelines and procedures to insure a safe, efficient job site. In other words, there is a straightforward list of dos and don’ts to keep in mind for most any construction project.

Construction Dos

Several types of safety equipment should be used on the job site. Examples include construction safety harnesses, fall arrest systems, safety net systems, guardrails, lifting slings, hard hats, work boots, eye protection, earplugs and more. Regular inspection and proper storage of all safety equipment helps to eliminate the possibility of equipment becoming faulty. Work site accidents can set a project back by several weeks, so it literally pays to take every possible safety precaution. It may seem obvious, but all stairways on the job site, even if they only contain a few steps, must be kept free and clear of any slippery residue or debris. Make sure to affix each stairway with handrails and treads to further reduce the likelihood of a dangerous workplace stumble. Always be cognizant of the weather forecast in the area. Extreme heat, cold, wind, and rain can all have detrimental effects on your construction project.

Construction Don’ts

Do not leave construction safety harnesses and other equipment out overnight. It can feel like a hassle having to pick everything up all the time, but it certainly beats risking damaged or stolen equipment. If you feel extreme discomfort in any part of the body, do not continue working. Your less sensitive coworkers might chastise you, but it is better to take a short break rather than risk a serious repetitive motion injury. Scaffolding collapse causes countless work place injuries each year. Never use barrels, buckets or other improvised objects in the footing of a scaffold. For obvious reasons, never build a scaffold within 10 feet of a power line. Even if you are wearing your construction safety harness, it is not a good idea to work on scaffolds during inclement weather or high winds.

Construction Safety Regulations

Rules and regulations must be followed closely on the job site. Most are simple: have a designated fire escape plan; keep electrical equipment unplugged when not in use; wear proper work attire at all times. The safest, most efficient job site is the one that follows these basic rules on every project.

Safety is the top priority at Business Name. Browse a complete line of construction safety harnesses today.

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