Common Causes of Lift Station Pump Repairs in Rhode Island

by | May 8, 2024 | Business

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In areas where terrain prevents sewage from flowing naturally, you’re likely to find a lift station. Understanding the common causes of lift station pump repairs in Rhode Island may save you from the need for more extensive work, such as replacing the lift station. Here’s a closer look.


Clogging is one of the most frequent issues facing lift station pumps. Non-biodegradable materials, such as wipes and sanitary products, are often improperly flushed down drains. These materials can block the pump impeller, leading to reduced efficiency and clogs.

Wear and Tear

Regular wear is inevitable, especially in systems that are constantly in use. Components such as seals, bearings, and impellers can degrade over time. This natural deterioration can result in leaks and other issues, increasing the need for regular maintenance and timely lift station pump repairs in Rhode Island.

Electrical Issues

Electrical problems, such as faulty wiring and failed capacitors, can lead to pump failure. Power surges or interruptions can also damage the pump’s electrical components. Regular inspections can help identify and correct these issues before they lead to larger problems.


Corrosion is a common issue for lift station pumps. The combination of moisture, chemicals, and other substances can corrode metal components, weakening the system and leading to leaks and other problems.

Pumping services are available to help you address these issues. If you suspect that you need lift station pump repairs, do not hesitate to contact a professional. Address the problem quickly to reduce the risk of downtime or further damage.

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