Important Details to Know Before Hiring Recycling Services in Baltimore

by | Sep 29, 2015 | Waste Management

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Resources on the earth are limited, and it is essential that they are conserved as much as possible. The best way to do this is by recycling different waste materials such as metal, glass, paper and plastic. Unlike other waste materials, scrap metals are easy to recycle. They can be easily be picked up using strong magnets and melted down into usable products. Scrap metals can be recycled repeatedly without losing their natural qualities. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, recycling a single aluminum beverage container can help to save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for more than four hours. Here are some important details to know before hiring professional recycling services in Baltimore.

The Four Critical Steps in Scrap Metal Recycling

The four major steps followed in scrap metal recycling include:

  • Collection and Sorting:
  • In this step, all metallic materials are collected using large containers and taken to a recycling center. They are then sorted according to their type and quality.
  • Metal Processing: In this stage, the sorted metallic materials and squeezed and squashed in machines to reduce the amount of space they occupy. Squeezing and squashing scrap metals also helps to fasten the recycling process.
  • Metal Shredding: This entails breaking the scrap metal into small pieces or sheets so that they can be processed further with ease.
  • Melting and purification: This is the final step in scrap metal processing. The scrap metal is melted in a large furnace and then purified using different methods. After purification, metal is then reshaped into new usable products.

Three Main Advantages of Scrap Metal Recycling

Some of the main advantages of scrap metal recycling include:

  • Energy Conservation: Recycling metals helps saves energy compared to manufacturing a virgin ore.
  • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions
  • Creates more jobs for a nation
  • Reduces the amount of waste products in landfills

Metal deposits are non-renewable resources that can be depleted if they are exploited at the current rate. Hiring professional recycling services in Baltimore will not only ensure the efficient management of these limited resources but will also help in the conservation of the environment.

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