Choosing the right adolescent drug treatment in Los Angeles is a big decision for parents to have to make. This is particularly challenging when the teen may be resistant to the idea of going into a residential treatment facility or when it is court ordered and not the choice of the teenager.
While not every teen will need to go into an inpatient or residential adolescent drug treatment in Los Angeles facilities, there are some very important reasons this may be the best option. This not only allows the teen time by his or herself to focus in on their own recovery, but it also gives the family time to participate in family education and therapeutic support to address how the addiction has impacted their lives and the relationships in the family.
Changes are Essential
If a teen attempts treatment in the same environment, he or she will be around the same stressors, the same friends, and the places. By changing the setting the individual doesn’t have the opportunity to interact with others associated with drug use, and the environment can be very carefully controlled.
Changes also relieve the tension, guilt, frustration and anger the teen may be feeling due to the deterioration of the family relationships which are so common when addiction is present.
Facility and Professionals
It is essential to choose adolescent drug treatment in Los Angeles that is specifically geared to adolescents and not just an adult treatment facility with a few teens in the program.
Teens will open up and talk, interact, and support each other through the treatment program, an important part of learning and developing effective coping strategies and skills. Adult groups are not relevant to teens, and they simply don’t relate to the same issues adults in recovery are facing.
Review the level of professionals at the adolescent drug treatment in Los Angeles you are considering. The staff will be licensed in mental health and medical health fields and will also have extensive experience in working specifically with adolescent populations.
If possible, ask to visit the adolescent drug treatment in Los Angeles facilities you are considering. Many also have online virtual tours that allow you to have a preview of the residential area as well as the treatment facilities, helping you to choose one you know your teen will find appealing.
We offer two different venues for our residential adolescent drug treatment in Los Angeles.