Replace any Missing Teeth With a Dental Implant in Manassas

by | Apr 1, 2015 | Dentistry

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A person may have a missing tooth because of injury, decay or infection. Some people also deal with the issues surrounding missing teeth because some of their teeth never properly grow. To end the embarrassment of having missing teeth, the cosmetic dentist can place a dental implant in Manassas. A dental implant can permanently replace any missing teeth in a person’s smile. Once smile restoration has taken place, a person’s self-esteem and function can be fully restored.

When a person seeks the dentist for a dental implants in Manassas, the process can take three to six months to be fully complete. This is because the first part of the process involves placement of the metal anchor that will act as the root for the new tooth implant.

Titanium is used in metal anchors because it is the only type of metal that can bond with a bone. Metal and bone bonding is crucial for normal function once the implant tooth is put in place. The dentist will implant the anchor into the jawbone and then must wait for bonding to take place before proceeding in placing the implant teeth.

The waiting period for bonding is important so the implant tooth will be fully secure once it is in position. This will ensure normal function is restored to the smile and a natural look is achieved. Once the dentist can safely place the implant teeth, restoration is complete.

Implant teeth can be made to replace any missing teeth in a person’s mouth. They can be used to replace one tooth or a full mouth of missing teeth. To find out if a person is a good candidate for dental implants, they will need to schedule a consultation appointment. A full examination can reveal the health of the person’s gums so the dentist can ensure the procedure will be safe and not pose any risks.

When a person is dealing with the issues surrounding missing teeth, they can find help through a cosmetic dentist. To learn more about this procedure,

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