Open Houses in Houston Are Events You Don’t Want to Miss

by | Feb 19, 2015 | Real Estate

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Many purchasers of real estate actually have bought properties without stepping inside the dwellings. However, these intrepid buyers usually are buying an investment property. If you are serious about living in the real estate you want to buy it, then you can’t miss an open house event. Open houses in Houston may be held at any time but most of the events are scheduled on Saturday or Sunday. An open house gives you an opportunity to see a home up-close as well as survey the surrounding neighborhood.

Serious Buyers Only

If you are truly serious about buying a house, then the open houses in Houston are events you cannot overlook. According to research conducted by one Dallas-Fort Worth realtor, 95% of home buyers will visit an open house within a couple months of buying the property.

However, that being said, many open houses in Houston also draw people who are merely looking and are not planning to purchase a home anytime soon. Naturally, real estate agents like to see serious buyers show up at open houses. Nevertheless, there will always be non-buyers who are part of the crowd.

Open Houses Provide Some Valuable Feedback

Still, even people who are not intending to purchase a property can provide a real estate agent with some worthwhile information. Each buyer who visits an open house will often offer his views on everything from the price to the number of baths. He will comment on some of the features he doesn’t like too. If you are selling your house then, you can obtain some worthwhile feedback from an open house event.

An Important Part of the Real Estate Sales Process

Therefore, open houses are valuable with respect to foot traffic and consumer impressions. You still have to hold an open house if you want to sell a home. Statistics show that open houses in Houston lead to sales about 33% of the time. Therefore, you cannot discount their importance if you want to buy or sell a property.

You just need to remember, that the essential key to open house success is in the scheduling. Make sure you hold the event when it is convenient for buyers. That’s why holding open houses on the weekend are generally recommended. Give a buyer all the opportunity he needs to survey a property.

When Open Houses Are Not Advised

Open houses may not be advised if a home is a fixer-upper and safety is an issue or the tenants are living inside a rental home that is being sold. The events may not be scheduled as well in high-end residences when privacy or theft may be concerns. However, as stated, open houses are usually necessary if agents want to make a sale.

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