Tragic birth injuries happen all too often

by | Feb 19, 2013 | Lawyers

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During birth, catastrophic injuries with long-term consequences can happen. If, for example, the child is starved of oxygen, the result could be cerebral palsy or other brain injury. A birth injury in Wichita has lifelong implications, which may result in lifelong medical treatment carrying with it, significant medical bills.
Birth injuries can be caused by a number of factors:

* Negligence on the part of the attending medical staff

* Abruption of the placenta

* A delay in performing a caesarian section

In the event you are faced with a birth injury in Wichita, you most certainly will want to turn to the best personal injury lawyer you can find, and fast. It is important to know, and often misunderstood, that in cases where medical negligence is involved; there is a specific deadline for a case to be filed in court. The deadline varies from state to state, but can often be as little as 180 days. As there will be a great deal of evidence to collect and discussions with expert witnesses, time is of the essence.

Law suits which are based on medical negligence are complex at best. If the child has an obvious birth injury, he or she may be entitled to long-term care. A settlement can be negotiated, which will pay for historic medical expenses plus future medical expenses; potential lost income and a lifetime of potential disfigurement, pain and suffering.

What will change if a suit is brought?

Unfortunately, nothing can change the injuries the child sustained. However, if it can be proven that the birth injury in Wichita was caused by negligence on behalf of the physician or the institution, then the medical malpractice insurance they carry can help you by giving an award sufficient to provide the possibility of a better quality of life. It is very expensive to provide the best care for children who have developmental problems. The child may need extensive therapy, specialized equipment and constant nursing care; this will cost much more than the average family can afford out of pocket.

What will be your course of action?

Obviously, you will need to engage a law firm that specializes in personal injury, including the effects of birth injuries. Once the lawyer has discussed all the background information and asked questions about the pre-natal care, delivery and post-natal care he will discuss the extent of the injuries and determine the best way to proceed.

The doctor and the hospital will carry medical malpractice insurance, and they carry it for very good reasons, child birth injuries being just one of the reasons. The insurance they carry is there to provide the care that is needed for a person who sustained injuries due to negligence.

Is a tragedy when there is a birth injury in Wichita, but if there is, the law firm of Prochaska, Giroux & Howell LLC has all the skills and specialist knowledge to purse a malpractice suit on your behalf.

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