Asphalt Repair Service: How to Keep Your Asphalt Looking New

by | Dec 8, 2014 | Construction and Maintenance

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The problem with asphalt is that it starts to deteriorate immediately after it has been laid. This is more so true with paving. Lubricants and fuel dissolve it, water softens it, and the sun makes the oxidation process increase breaking down the binder. Unsealed blacktop asphalt can lose its thickness in less than 20 years. Within a year its original color starts to fade, the binder starts to lose its strength, and hairline cracks start to form. This is when you need to consult those who specialize in Asphalt Repair Service.

If you are unaware, it can be hard to tell when your asphalt needs repair. Here are some signs to look out for:

  • Cracks: They can form because of excess water under the asphalt or lack of sealcoat application over some years. They can also form because of tree roots growing underneath. The cracks can be repaired using rubber crack fillers or removing the asphalt in that area and replacing with new asphalt. The repair will depend on the intensity of the damage.
  • Roughness: If the surface of your asphalt is not smooth, it is a sign it requires maintenance. The asphalt will require a new skin patch before the sealcoat is applied. Applying a new asphalt skin will increase the lifespan of the sealcoat.
  • Worn stripes: At this point you will need to sealcoat and re-stripe the parking space. Striping the asphalt part that is most noticeable in your parking lot and therefore should be done properly.

For the repair work to be done properly, you need to ensure you hire a professional asphalt contractor. When doing so, you should ask them for references and photo’s from previous jobs. Remember that the price is not the only important factor. Some contractors use better materials and work at a cheaper price than others. The rule of thumb when laying asphalt is to mix the sealant with no more than 10% water. This will give you a thicker seal coating allowing it to last longer. You can check if the person doing the work does the same.

If you need any sort of Asphalt Repair Service, then you can contact Asphalt Solutions Plus. They have the equipment and expertise needed to get the job done right the first time. Visit Us for more details.

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