Selecting a Pennsylvania Worker’s Compensation Attorney-Tips to Use During This Process

by | Nov 10, 2014 | Lawyers

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Have you been injured while you’re on the job? If so, you can be protected by Pennsylvania Worker’s Compensation laws. If you feel you are not being treated fairly, or your claim is being ignored, you may need to hire an attorney to assist you in getting resolution of your claim. As you go to choose an attorney, you may feel overwhelmed and not know what factors you should be placing the most importance on. Here are some tips to help make this process easier.

1. Research the attorney’s background. You want to ensure they have experience in worker’s comp law and have successfully completed cases, both those which settled out of court, and those which made their way into a courtroom. Be sure to review their website, and check with the state licensing agency to make sure they remain in good standing.

2. Speak to the attorney and see how long he or she has been practicing in this particular field. Although the website may say they have been practicing law for 20 years, this doesn’t mean they have been taking worker’s comp cases the entire time. It is also in your best interest to know how much of their practice is devoted to this type of case.

3. Ask how much of their practice is devoted to representing employees, and how often they take on cases where they represent an employer. Attorneys often specialize in one or the other, although there are a few who will take on cases for both sides. Some find they are most comfortable with those who have represented both sides, as this gives them more insight into how the employer will try to defend his or her position. You must decide if this is of importance to you.

4. Meet with the attorney to see if you feel comfortable working with him or her. The legal system tends to move slowly, so you want to make sure you choose an attorney you won’t mind working with for an extended period of time. He or she needs to be a good listener, take your concerns seriously, and allow your input into your case.

Consider the above tips as you go to select a Pennsylvania Worker’s Compensation attorney. Doing so helps to ease the stress associated with the process. You want someone who will fight for you to ensure you get the fair compensation. The above tips help to ensure this is the case. Click Here for more info!

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