If you have a fireplace that uses logs as a source of fuel, you probably have fireplace andirons. Not many people think about these fireplace fixtures. They are often just thought to be decorative. This is because andirons usually feature an intricate design that contributes a great deal to the aesthetic value of the fireplace.
Fireplace andirons actually have a very important purpose. They lift the logs up from the floor of the fireplace. This is important when lighting a fire. The logs are placed on the andiron leaving a space below them. This space allows you to place tinder and other soft or fast burning material that you will use to light the logs of wood above. This fire would be put out quickly if you placed the logs of wood directly on top of the material you are using to light the fire.
The andiron also plays an important role in enabling the logs to burn efficiently. Air is able to circulate within the fireplace as a result of the elevation of the logs. Air can circulate underneath and around the logs and therefore supply the fire efficiently. This means that the logs of wood will burn efficiently.
Two fireplace andirons are used at any given time. The logs are placed horizontally and therefore lie across the legs of the andirons extending all the way back into the fireplace.
Andirons can also be used as cooking aides. This was a common use for the fireplace tools in the past. A rod was placed across the top of the andirons and the food to be cooked e.g. meat or maize fixed onto the rod. This was a common method of roasting or cooking food. Pots could also be hung from the rods.
It is important to consider what you will primarily use the fireplace andirons for when you are searching for a pair for your fireplace. This decision will play a major role in helping you to determine which type of andirons you purchase. For example, if you intend to cook or roast anything in your fireplace, you would buy andirons that are designed to hold a spit.
It is also important to consider the design of the andirons. This is because they play a major role in creating a theme for the fireplace. There are andirons that are designed to give a rustic touch and others that feature a more modern design. Take your time to think about the theme that you have chosen for your room and what you would like to achieve before choosing your andirons.
There are various suppliers of andirons. You should therefore take your time to compare the cost of the andirons. Check to ensure that you are getting a good deal.
Fireplace andirons have various functions. Find out more about how to use andirons and how you can choose the right one for you here.