A Dentist in West Covina: Benefits of Dental Implants Compared to Other Dental Procedures

by | Aug 19, 2014 | Dental Services

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As much as people would love to maintain their natural teeth, certain incidents make it hard for this to be achieved. At one point of your life, you might find yourself with one, some or all missing teeth. Missing teeth maybe as a result of extreme dental decay, accident, and old age among other reasons. Whatever the reason, missing teeth hinder one’s life in different ways. For instance, when most of the molars are missing, chewing becomes hard, and you may not be able to chew hard carrots. A dentist in Covina advises people to get dental implants to replace the missing teeth. Below are the benefits of the implants compared to other dental procedures.

Imitates Natural Teeth
Once you have your dental implants, it would be hard for other to differentiate them from your natural teeth. They so much look like the rest of the teeth from the color to the shape. The dental implants also take over all the responsibilities of missing teeth. You can chew hard food, laugh and talk without salivating.

They are Firm
With dentures, you have to be very careful as you laugh, chew or drink. This is because they have a tendency of falling off which can bring great humiliation especially in public gatherings. As for implants, you can smile as wide as you please and go to social gatherings with no fear that the implants might fall off. You will not even have to remember that what you have are implants and not real teeth. Implants are very firm and cannot fall off.

Durable with No Cavities
When placed by a professional and with proper care, dental implants can serve you a lifetime unlike bridges that last for ten years. Occasionally, you might need to visit the dentist for checkups to ensure that all is well. Some might wonder, what would happen if along the way the implants get cavities? You can relax as implants do not get decays or cavities. Nevertheless, you are required to observe the required oral hygiene.

With dental implants, your face doesn’t have to sag as it retains your faces’ shape. Visit a Dentist West Covina from best West Covina Family Dentistry. For more information, visit

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