Research has shown that about 33 percent of men that go to seek paternity confirmation end up realizing that they do not have any biological relationship with their alleged children. It is no doubt that paternity is a very serious and at times controversial issue. The fact that you are having doubts about the paternity of your child is enough of an indicator that you need to think about getting a paternity test done. To go through a legal battle that involves paternity issues with ease, you need to hire the best paternity lawyer that money can afford you. Here are some tips that will be of great help.
Deciding on the type of test to take
A type of test that you take will depend on two things, the accuracy of the test and the amount of money that you are willing to spend on the test will determine the test to be done. Here are a few of the cases in which you will need a paternity test administered:
* When you are being sued or followed about spousal and child support.
* When there are legal tussles related to inheritance.
* In cases where there are forensic concerns.
There are many types of tests available. These can be administered both before and after the child is born. Those tests that are done before the child is born need a lot of care to avoid compromising the life of the fetus in any way.
Common types of tests
The paternity test is based on a comparison of the parent’s DNA to that of the child. This comparison must show that the two are related in a particular manner for a ruling that states that the man stated as the father is the biological male parent of the child. Common tests types include:
* A saliva DNA test. The saliva of the child will be taken and used for the comparative DNA test.
* A hair DNA test. A strand of the child’s hair will be taken for DNA comparison.
* Blood DNA test. This will be done using a pinch of the child’s blood.
The best paternity lawyer will make sure that a requested DNA test is carried out and that the case proceeds only after the results have been released. To hire a competent paternity lawyer, look no further than Business Name. For more information, go to Website Domain.