Advantages of Having Teeth Whitening in Salisbury NC

by | Mar 14, 2019 | Dentistry

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One of the most common issues many people have with their teeth is their color. Many people who drink a lot of coffee, tea and wine may find their teeth are not as bright or white as they like. Often this will lead them to purchase different types of retail products designed to correct the problem. Some of these products may have some success. However, to ensure teeth are brightened as much as possible, it is generally best to visit a dentist who offers Teeth Whitening services in Salisbury NC.

When visiting a dentist who handles whitening treatments, one of the first things he or she will do is to examine the patient’s teeth. This is essential, as there are some staining and discoloration issues which whitening products will not correct. These issues are generally related to medications a patient may have taken in the past or hereditary issues. If these issues are noted, the dentist may recommend another type of treatment rather than teeth whitening.

Once the teeth have been examined, the dentist will generally want to have the teeth cleaned thoroughly. By doing this, any signs of tartar or plaque can be removed so the whitening product can begin working on the teeth immediately.

A dentist who handles teeth whitening in Salisbury NC will generally paint the whitening product onto the teeth. This allows him or her to make sure the teeth are well coated, including getting in between the teeth as well. A dental tray is normally filled with the whitening product and then applied to the teeth. A laser light is generally used to enhance the effectiveness of the whitening product as well.

The whitening product used is generally made of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. Once either of these products is activated, it turns into oxygen molecules. These molecules can move into the pores of the teeth where stains exist. The molecules break down the stains until they disappear. This allows more light to be seen in the tooth and this causes the brighter and whiter look.

Most teeth whitening treatments are accomplished in a short period of time. Once a treatment is completed, the patient will see results immediately. Often it will require more than one treatment to ensure the patient’s teeth are the brightest and whitest they can be.

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