Getting The Right Professional For An HVAC Issue

by | Apr 3, 2014 | Heating & Air conditioning

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There is this idea that as a homeowner you should always be on the lookout for the lowest price when you need work on your home. Because you have to invest money on a variety of different services to keep your home up and running, you always want to get the overall lowest price on the services that you need, right? The answer, unfortunately, it is not that simple. While you want to save money where you can, you never want to get “questionable” service for your home. In addition, if a price seems too good to be true (“Free Inspection!!!”; “$1 Fixes!!!”), there is a pretty good chance that they aren’t looking to fix a problem, but instead sell (hard) you on other services that they offer. With this in mind, you don’t want to go with the “cheapest” option you can find for HVAC repair, but instead look for someone who is going to be able to give you a great price and great service.

Depending on what is wrong with your HVAC unit, and what needs to be done to correct it, repairs could run you between $50 and $2500. While you may have a general idea of what the issue is, you will never really know what is wrong until someone looks at it. If you can find a company that offers “free inspections” that seems trustworthy, you can go with them. If not, don’t be afraid to pay for someone to look at the issue. Chances are, if major repairs are needed they are not going to charge you for the inspection anyway. If you have to pay $100 for a thorough inspection that finds an issue that is easily fixed with minimal extra costs, it’s more worth it than a free inspection that is only meant to sell you on a full service package.

When you are looking for a professional that you trust, you need to use common sense when making a decision. If you have to pay a bit more for someone you really trust to take on an issue, you’ll typically get the value on the back end, as in getting the problem taken care of quickly and not having to pay for someone else to come up a week later. When you are looking for professionals you can trust, you want to check out Service 1 Heating & AC Inc.



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