Three Revelations That Should Motivate You to Schedule Your Yearly Professional Dental Cleaning in Honolulu

by | Feb 12, 2014 | Dentist

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Good oral health starts with a clean mouth. However, your dental cleaning routine has to extend beyond daily brushing and flossing. Keeping your mouth free of buildup means making sure that you are visiting the dentist at least once per year to have your teeth professionally cleaned. For those who still aren’t sold on the benefits of yearly teeth cleaning, here are six reasons that may convince you to make that much-needed dentist appointment:

1. One of the best reasons to have your teeth cleaned on a regular basis is so that you can keep your natural teeth intact. Cavities are formed as plaque builds on your teeth and bacteria settles and grows around your gum line. If you let this go on for too long, you will eventually lose the bones that support your teeth, causing them to fall out of your mouth. Once that happens, your only option will be to replace them with false teeth like dentures or implants that may not look or feel as natural to you.

2. Gum disease (also referred to as periodontal disease) can also develop if you fail to have your teeth professionally cleaned by your dentist each year. This disease develops when tarter on the teeth begins to produce bacteria. The bacteria, in turn, create toxins that cause bad breath and lead to inflammation. This inflammation eventually destroys your gum tissue and creates other problems in your mouth or other areas of your body.

3. Many dental insurance plans allow for a low co-payment for preventative procedures that help you take better care of your teeth. Fortunately, this includes professional cleanings. This is because insurance companies understand that everyone saves more money in the long run when you make the commitment to maintaining a healthy mouth. Without the plaque and bacteria, your teeth won’t deteriorate and you won’t have to pay the hefty fee for replacement teeth.

Your oral health is an essential part of your overall well-being. Getting a Professional Dental Cleaning in Honolulu on a regular basis is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy mouth and ensure that you get to keep your bright smile for a long time to come.

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