6 Steps to Concrete Polishing, DIY Style

by | Nov 9, 2015 | Construction and Maintenance

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Is your concrete floor dull and lifeless? You don’t have to spend thousands remodeling your floors if you can simply restore the gleam and shine of your old floors. Need a little help making that happen? Read on for some handy tips from DoItYourself:

1. Sweep. The first step to great concrete polishing is to make sure the floor is spotless before applying the polish. Otherwise, you’ll risk scratching the floor with dirt. Also, if there’s dirt and dust, it’ll diminish the effect of the polish. So make sure your floors are free of grime, dirt, and dust.

2. Mop. Once you’ve gotten the dirt and dust off, next on your list is to mop the stains off your floor. Grab a mop and a bucket filled with water. Add some mild detergent to the water and start mopping. This way, you will be sure to clean up the residual dust, which can be a bit difficult to get rid of with a broom and dustpan. Make sure you’ve made every last stain disappear. When that’s done, start drying the floor.

3. Polish with grit. Buy a course-grit polishing disk. This is an effective way to eliminate hard-to-lift stains. It also works on smoothing out any rough sections of the floor. Try to start from one end and keep going until you reach the other. With a systematic method, you’re more likely to cover every inch of your floors. Work over the floor with circular motions since these are especially effective in getting the stains out.

4. Use fine grit. After the polish-with-grit stage, use a new polishing disk, this one with fine grit. The grit should take care of any residual dust from the floor and make it even smoother.

5. Get extra fine grit. Next up is the final polishing stage. Again, grab another polishing disk. This time though, use the finest grit that you can get your hands on. The result, if you hadn’t already guessed, will be that glass-like shiny effect that’s so desirable. Again, use circular motions as you work the polishing disk into the floor. Make sure those circles overlap.

6. Lastly, floor polish. For the finishing touch, get a floor grinder and use that to start the concrete polishing session. Apply floor polish evenly over the surface to create that extra shine and sheen you’ve always wanted.

And if after all these steps your polishing efforts still failed to bring out the best in your floors, then hire a company like Sandifer’s Stone & Tile Care in Columbia to take care of your concrete polishing needs for you.

Need concrete polishing services in Columbia? Sandifer’s Stone & Tile Care offers restoration and replacement services. Contact us for assistance today!

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