5 Tips for Caring for Your Pool

by | Jan 4, 2017 | Swimming Pool

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If you invested in a swimming pool, one of the best ways to ensure that is stays in great shape is to give it some routine care. Once you pass the initial Houston pool inspection, you will need to maintain your pool in order to keep it in pristine condition. Although it’s a good idea to have a pool company help you with cleaning and maintenance, there are a few things you can do yourself to help keep your pool in good condition.

  • Skimming

At Manning Pool Service, our first suggestion to clients is to skim the surface of your pool. This is one of the easiest and the fastest ways to ensure that your pool remains clean. If you notice any floating debris, you need to get it out before it sinks, making it much more difficult to remove. Bugs, leaves and other items can easily be scooped out using a leaf or hand skimmer. By skimming, you will reduce the chlorine amount needed and improve the circulation system’s efficiency.

  • Vacuuming

Another thing you can do is to ensure that you vacuum the pool at least once a week. This will ensure that your water stays clear and will bring down the chemical amount you will need to add to the pool. If your vacuum is a manual vacuum, be sure to move it similar to vacuuming your carpet. Be sure to check your filter as well when you vacuum to ensure that it is clean. You should also consider brushing both the tile and walls of your pool in order to reduce algae build up. If you do this, your Houston pool inspection will get great results.

  • Filters

There are three types of pool filters: sand, diatomaceous earth, and cartridge. Each one has its own procedure to maintenance, but will need to clean the filter from time to time. Pool cleaning must always include this element, but you should not overdo it. If you clean you filter more often than recommended, you will end up hindering its filtration process.

  • Pool Heaters

If you have a pool heater, you will be glad to know that it takes up the least time in your pool maintenance activities because it hardly ever needs any work done. If you have a gas heater, it can go for even two years without needing any maintenance. If it is an electric one, it can go for longer than that. You do, however, need to look at the manufacturer manual in order to note the specific instructions for its care.

  • Water Level and PH

Be sure to keep an eye on the level of water. If it falls too low, it can damage your pump. Additionally, test your pool water so that the pH falls within a range of 7.2 and 7.8.


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