There are five main flooring types to consider when you are looking at options to compliment the overall aesthetics and function in your home. Depending on your lifestyle some Floor Covering options may be more high maintenance while other options may not be a suitable candidate at all. Consider what type of feel you want in your home and see which design flooring choice best suits this requirement. The choices are between vinyl, tile, hardwood, carpeting and lastly, even designer concrete is being used in some homes.
Let’s first discuss the option of decorative concrete flooring. No longer is this just a viable Floor Covering option for your garage but it can be painted simply any color imaginable and that leaves your choice of flooring colors as flexible as the paint on your walls. Consider this, the floor is virtually indestructible relatively inexpensive when you compare it to other designer floor options. If you have a hard time visualizing the concept think of a southwestern home with designs of dark greens, reds and oranges along with a Midwestern motif. The floors can be limitless,
Then of course you have the complete opposite of a hard and forgiving floor and that is with carpet. This was generally all that builder’s would consider in a home two or three decades ago, but now it is more limited in where it’s found. While the options here are also somewhat limitless in style, color, and comfort, where you face problems is when you have high traffic areas, stains or repair needs. The number one drawback in a carpet flooring option would have to be keeping the carpeting option clean.
The happy medium it would seem between a carpet and a concrete floor then may be in the vinyl, hardwood or tile options. These choices have become more of a favorite for homeowners as they are easy to clean, come in a variety of styles and colors and of course, are somewhat easier to repair or replace and to keep clean on a consistent basis. There are many samples of these types at Hoffman Floor Covering Corporation and professional store such as this can help you determine what is the best type for your home environment.