4 Signs You Have a Sports Injury

by | Dec 17, 2018 | Health Care

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We all know exercise is good for the body. If you over-train or tax yourself, though, a rigorous lap at the track could lead to injuries. If you aren’t sure whether you’re just sore or already injured, here are symptoms to watch out for.

Do you have any swelling?

If the swelling is accompanied by pain or numbness and comes after you’ve had a hard knock or blow, then that’s an injury. If you have to swell at the site of a previous injury, then that could be an indication that your old one is acting up again or that the collision resulted in further injury, Health 24 says.

Do you have a sprain?

If you stretch ligaments past your limit, then that’s going to result in tears or injuries to your muscle fibers or tendons. Overusing your muscles can lead to the same results. If you feel a bit more discomfort when you move your feet, that may be more than soreness. You may have pulled a muscle. The best way to find out is to get to a doctor. That way, you can get a prescription for a sports medicine in Denville NJ if you need one.

Do you have any bruises?

Bruises are another sign of an injury, especially if it’s been preceded by a bow or fall. Don’t dismiss, thinking the bruises will go away on their own. If there’s extensive and severe bruising, that could be an indication of internal damage. Don’t hesitate to go to a doctor and to ask for sports medicine in Denville NJ. The sooner you do, the sooner you can figure out the extent of the damage, receive proper treatment and prevent further injury.

Do you have pain?

Don’t ignore any instance of pain. If it doesn’t subside and just keeps getting worse, get to a doctor right away.

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