3 Things Every Licensed Roofer in Eugene Wants Homeowners to Know

by | Jan 25, 2022 | Home Improvement

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One of the main parts of any home is its roof. Well-maintained roofs last longer and experience fewer problems, and the home retains its value. Keep reading to learn more about the three things all roofers in Eugene wishes homeowners realized about their roofing.

1. Small Repairs Are Always Worth the Investment

Many homeowners put off repairs because they don’t want to spend their money on small issues that don’t seem to matter. For example, many people dismiss broken or missing shingles as nothing more than a cosmetic problem. They ignore the issue and then are surprised when they have an expensive leaky roof repair.

Roofers want homeowners to know that missing shingles and other seemingly small problems always cost less to fix right away. Waiting too long can lead to added costs.

2. Gutter Maintenance Is a Must

Cleaning gutters isn’t a fun job, but it’s an essential part of roof maintenance. That’s right. Gutters are part of the roof system. When gutters become clogged, they get heavy. The heavier the gutters become, the more likely it is that they’ll start to pull away from the roof and cause damage to shingles and other roofing components.

3. Skip DIY Roof Repair

Do-it-yourself roof repair is never a good idea. Roofers are trained to identify the root cause of problems and make appropriate repairs. Weekend warriors don’t have this training. Also, it’s dangerous climbing onto the roof. Why not leave it to the professionals?

Have a question for a roofers in Eugene? Contact Armadillo Roofing Inc., online at http://armadilloroofinginc.com.

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