2 Tips To Help Your Practice Reduce Your Accounts Receivable Cycle

by | May 24, 2022 | Healthcare

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Are your accounts receivable staff beginning to feel overwhelmed by the backlog of claims to be processed? Are you looking to reduce your practice’s accounts receivable (A/R) days? Are you looking for ways to improve your medical practice’s revenue cycle? If you answered yes or if these situations apply to you, then here are 2 tips to help your practice reduce the accounts receivable cycle.

Routine Claim Submission

One of the most effective ways to reduce the accounts receivable cycle and to improve your revenue cycle is to routinely submit claims daily. For instance, a patient comes in for their appointment, and services were rendered. The patient leaves and the next patient comes in for their appointment. You should consider submitting the claim for the patient who has just left from their appointment with you within one business day. Submitting claims on the day or next business of an appointment will reduce backlog and billing errors.

Audit Claims Before Submission

Another tip to help your practice effectively and efficiently reduce the accounts receivable cycle is by auditing claims before submitting them. Auditing claims means checking for accuracy in coding. This helps reduce claim denials and rejections, which reduces the accounts receivable cycle.

The Experts

Perhaps you have decided to search for a healthcare solutions company that offers healthcare accounts receivable management services but do not know how or where to start.

Contact the experts at GeBBS Healthcare Solutions – Medical Coding HIM and Billing RCM Services. They offer an all-inclusive solution and have the expertise to help you improve your revenue and accounts receivable cycle. So, when searching for a professional healthcare solutions company that offers top-quality healthcare accounts receivable management services, they are the ones to contact.

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