What Makes a Great Female Pop Singer

by | May 13, 2013 | Entertainment

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The genre of pop music is quite a wide genre of music. Now all types of music are considered entertainment, but if a person had to choose only one genre as the entertainment category for music it would most like be pop music. With pop, it is a little about the music and a lot about the entertainment. That is why so many of the female pop stars (see Madonna and Lady Gaga) put on such outlandish costumes and go on stage for some spectacular performances.

True Fan Connections

Above all else, what makes female pop singers great is their uncanny ability to connect with their fans. Their costumes and performances might be outlandish but deep down it is also about the music and their ability to use the music to connect with their fans. This is one characteristic that every single one of the great female pop singers share in common with one another.

Being tireless is another trait that makes a great pop singer. Being on tour or performing nightly in front of throngs of adoring fans is grueling to say the least. Great pop singers are able to channel all of the energy from the crowd in order to deliver the amazing performance that their fans are expecting to see and hear. It is not something that every person can easily do. This is part of what separates them from other people.

More than Just a Song

Then there is what some people call the total package. Being a fantastic pop singer is more than just putting on a great performance and singing to the crowd. It is about being able to connect and communicate through other ways, as well. A lot of pop singers today go to great lengths in order to create a whole marketing plan and lifestyle for the pop singer character that was created. This could include clothing, fragrances, videos, modeling, or even an acting career. It is about staying in people’s minds all of the time.

Of course, the most important part of what makes a great pop singer is what people call the IT factor. They simply just have it. There is no other way to describe this phenomenon. Some people are just truly gifted in their ability to just walk into a room, and everyone in the room hangs on every word that they say or every action that they make. This can be seen all the time in the media with the throngs of screaming fans.

Some people are born to be musicians. Other people are just born to be pop singers. They just have the ability to perform and light up the crowd in a way that no one else can.

Sylvia Brooks is a Florida native who comes from a rich history of music. Female pop singers like Sylvia Brooks combine their warmth and charm with absolute song clarity. She drew her musical inspiration from her father who was a jazz musician and her mother who was a trained opera singer.

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