Some Important Tips To Floor Refinishiing NYC

by | May 3, 2013 | Materials and Supplies

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When it comes to having beautiful wood floors, chances are you will need to have them refinished. The process can be difficult, but with a few important tips kept in mind it can be done.

A proper floor refinishing will take some time. Do not expect to complete this project in two days. Instead, budget the right amount of time based on your work schedule as well as how many square feet of floors you will be refinishing and staining.

Your first consideration when dealing with Floor Refinishing NYC is the type of sander you will use either orbital or drum. Simply put a drum sander will sand more in less time, but if done incorrectly you could end up taking too many layers off the floor. An orbital sander is far more forgiving, but will take a longer time compared to the drum sander. Be smart and seal off all of the doorways to the room. You do not want the dust to collect all over the house.

Knowing your sandpaper will save you a lot of time. Sandpaper is measured by grit or how coarse it is. You will see them listed with a number from 20, which is very coarse to the 100s, which is very fine. If you are unsure read articles on the internet and take the time to ask questions from the store you rented your sander from. Many times they will be glad to offer advice regarding the type of sander as well as the grit of the sandpaper.

Once the sanding is over you will now need to consider your stains. Check them out ahead of time and if you need to buy a few smaller samples and test those out as well. Give it time to dry and place two coats, this will closely resemble what you will need to do with your floors. Many homeowners rush the staining process and try to place two coats down quickly. This is a bad idea and will not yield an acceptable result. Allow the floor to dry in between coats. Staining should not be rushed.

Refinishing your hardwood floors can be done as long as you keep a few important factors in mind. Remember to allow yourself enough time to get the job done. Choose your sander and sandpaper wisely. Do not rush the staining process.

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